TRUTH: Total Reliable Utility To Heal

TRUTH The HeArt To Be Happy

TRUTH: Total Reliable Utility To Heal

“When you want to change some habits or behavioural patterns in your life,
it is best to write them down, to face them.
For example: On one site of a list you write the “negative” and on the other
site the positive outcomes you want to improve or succeed in.
Be prepared that some astonishing positive things may happen after doing
this. If you learn to talk and write openly about your weaknesses and
vulnerable spots you nearly immediately transform them into strengths
because you are aware of them.
Awareness creates compassion and understanding for yourself and nearly
automatically for others too.
You can see now that your subconsciousness in general carries the longed
for fulfilment of your wildest dreams. Your subconscious believes and the
dissolution/processing of fears are very vital for the procedure of finally
receiving your wished health and happy outcomes.
The whole process is a bit like opening a treasure-box, or learning to know
what exactly is going on in your cellar rooms: Guilt, grief, grudges,
judgement, fears,…(“Mr. Hide” as you could describe the hidden, dark
shadow-part of your personality?)
Truth, integrity and honesty means to be willing to deal also with painful,
awkward or embarrassing topics or issues.
If you do this enthusiastically day by day, you would not have these
countless lugs and loops any more where other beings or situations can so
easily “hook in” or “press your buttons”, for the purpose of manipulation
leaving you feeling overpowered or overwhelmed.
Practise and embrace the inner truth and you will feel more and more free
to be who you really are and most likely your subconsciousness will open up
rapidly and widely, expanding for you in your day- and night- dreams, so
that you can work on deeper levels to just Let Go, Free Your(higher)Self.
Do remember, that dream-dimensions are multidimensional, very intuitive
and multifarious in their symbolism. Sometimes seemingly scary
happenings may have the most beautiful, positive meanings.
There are many techniques available to learn to become even awake and
aware in your sleep. Here are a few Examples: Lucid dreaming, The Art to
decode dream-symbolism in many cultures, Tibetan Dream-Yoga, Vision
Quests. Dream-time-visions and learning to recall your dreams can be
most auspicious and helpful for your growth.”

Text : Excerpt from the Book “The Heart To Be Happy” / Andreas Antero Ahrens

Foto : Andreas Antero Ahrens

DNA = Divine Nature Algorithm

DNA Divine Nature Algorythm The HeArt To Be Happy

“An algorithm is a precise process, a set of steps used to solve a specific problem. A
word primarily used in the fields of mathematics and computer science, but can be
applied to almost anything.
Per definition of science DNA is the shortening of Deoxyribonucleic acid and
is a molecule that carries most of the genetic instructions used in the
development, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms.
It stores biological information that allows all living things to function, grow
and reproduce.
The definition that came to me in a meditation as DNA means or describes
your Divine Nature Algorithm.

It is meant to give you a tool, the possibility
to ask the right questions and arising thereby the optimal results or in
better words the right information”

Andreas Antero Ahrens “TheHeArt To Be Happy”

TRUST – To Rely Upon Source (Spirit) Totally

T R U S T The HeArt To Be Happy

“TRUST – To Rely Upon Source (Spirit) Totally”

Andreas Antero Ahrens ” The HeArt To Be Happy